Friday, July 3, 2015

Indian Balushahi Recipe


Balushahi Ingredients:
  • APF 250 gm
  • Baking Powder 1/4 tsp
  • Cooking Soda a pinch
  • Curd 100 gm
  • Desi Ghee 50 gm
  • Sugar 1 Cup
  • OIl For Deep Frying

Balushahi Method:
  1. Mix APF, baking powder, cooking soda in a bowl.
  2. Add ghee and rub it with your fingers to make it crumble.
  3. Add curd and mix the dough very gently. Do not knead very much.
  4. Rest it for twenty min.
  5. Make small balls out of the mixture. Make a dent in the center of the ball by using thumb.
  6. Heat oil and fry these balls on low flame till it turns brown in color form both sides.
  7. Prepare sugar syrup of one string consistency. Add lime juice to it.
  8. Dip the balls in sugar syrup for thirty min..
  9. Remove the Balushahis from syrup. Transfer them on a serving plate. Garnish with chopped pistachios and cardamon powder and Serve...!!